Monday, May 19, 2008

GG Finale: A mini running commentary

So, as you all know, OMFGmusings came to life just today and we are SO excited about it.  Intros forthcoming, but just know that there are three of us posting to this little site and it's really exciting for us.  I decided to kick off my posting career with a running diary of the 2nd half of the GG season finale.  Coming to you *LIVE* from the Crowne Plaza somewhere in exotic central Connecticut (thanks, business travel...grr!!!), here we go!  For those of you who haven't watched the GG finale yet, WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. 
8:29 - Rufus and Lily are having another weird heart-to-heart while Lily preens in her wedding gown.  Is it wrong that they are my favorite "couple" on the show?  I was literally exploding with excitement at the end of last week's episode when they shared a very sexy post-concert kiss...and I was even more thrilled when they woke up at the beginning of this episode in bed together. 
8:31 - Apparently Dan didn't officially sleep with Georgina, but the suggestion is that everything but the deed was done.  I would interpret this to mean that all parties involved turned down the sexual 3rd base line and got tagged out just before sliding into home.
UM, WHAT?!  Weirdest scene ever.  Lily and Rufus profess love and yet Lily still goes to marry d-bag Bart Bass.  Rufus looks hot-dad sad as Lily walks away.  As usual, I'm guessing there's more to this story yet to come.
(A little off topic, but why are Serena and Blair wearing such unattractive dresses?  What's up with the hideous florals and the weird giant flowers at the neckline?)
8:38 - Chuck is trying to be Nate's bestie again, revealing that Captain Archibald is still using drugs and is running away from the wedding...and reveals that he was in love with Blair.  Duh, like we didn't see that coming from a mile away.  Also, what the hell is Vanessa wearing?
8:39 - Captain Archibald is making a run for the islands with a fake passport.  I really love white collar crime.  It reminds me of the good old days back in Palm Beach.  Thanks, Enron!
8:40 - Can I mention for a second how much I hate Vanessa?  And what is the heinous orange dress (it's literally the color of Tang) and hibiscus-in-the-hair that she's wearing?  Hello, this is an Upper East Side society wedding, not a trailer park!  She looks like a street walker.
8:41 - Chuck and Nate are besties again.   
8:43 - FINALLY!  Dan and Serena are fighting.  Dan says he's the most understanding person in the world, but that's a dirty lie.  He's a judgy, self-important hipster from Brooklyn who thinks he's better than everyone else.  I think they may finally be breaking up and all I can say is it's about time.  (It's official, they're broken up.  Praise be.)
8:45 - Chuck is on his best man soap box and he's ditched the note cards to speak from the heart to Blair Waldorf.  It's almost touching.
8:47 - Chuck and Blair are making kissyface on the dance floor.  This should be fun.  Dan and Serena are now doing some weird forced dancing thing orchestrated by the token gay wedding planner. 
8:48 - My heart is sort of melting as Chuck and Blair sneak off together.  Dan and Serena are the last ones on the dance floor and it's totally cliché, much like the entirety of their relationship.
8:51 - Jenny is opening some letter from Parsons...and it looks like she is interning this summer at Eleanor Waldorf designs.  Vomit!  Rufus is talking to her on the phone via tour bus.  Blair and Chuck are going to Tuscany together.  I like all of these summer plans that are unfolding.  A very reliable TV source has told me that there is supposed to be a 5 week mini-season in the Hamptons this summer.  Apparently Nate and Vanessa are kaput (YES!) and Dan isn't ready to talk about Serena.  Nate and Serena have a "chance" encounter on the street and Serena confirms that she's locking herself in the Hamptons house!!!!!! 
8:55 - Blair is flirting with a hottie at the helipad (he has Roger Federer hair), waiting for Chuck to join them.  Meanwhile, at the Palace, Bart and Chuck are having a skeezy male "heart to heart" - and Bart is laying it on pretty thick that going to Europe with Blair will totally change Chuck.  I'm not quite sure why Bart is suddenly pretending to be so paternal and interested.  Enter Lily and a hot blonde (who basically looks like Serena?) helping with apartment renovations, and it sure looks like Chuck is staying to do her instead of jetting off to Europe with Blair.
8:58 - Yup, Chuck is going to stay to seduce the hot blonde - again, not too surprising.  And Blair is jetting off to Europe with the mysterious older man with flippy hair. 
So, all in all, I wasn't thrilled with this episode as a season finale.  It was basically laying all of the groundwork for the mini season - just pushing plot along without any real drama.  I am, however, really excited for the summer season.  Summer shows are a personal favorite of mine, dating back to some lazy summers during college spent basking in the early days of The OC and The North Shore.  As I slave away in Corporate America, things like mindless TV remind me of days when life was a bit less complicated.
On semi-related notes, Leighton Meester is reprising her role as the child singing star on Entourage.  Now that she's hot and of-age, my guess is that she's going to sleep with Vinny Chase.  Also, I recently received the first book of the new Gossip Girl series in the mail, The Carlyles.  Nothing is ever really as good as the original, but I figure I can give it a whirl.
Anyway - you know you love me!  (And here's to summer!!)

1 comment:

shk said...

btw, hot blonde = Lydia Hearst. also , as far as i can tell, Vanessa is wearing tie dye, which I agree is unacceptable, though she let a 14 year old up and coming 'designer' dress her. so much of this episode made no sense. love your "may as well have" explanation.