I hope all of our readers (assuming more than J, L, and I frequent this little blog) had an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. Like the proper yuppie New Englander that I am, I spent the weekend preening out on the (somewhat cold & windy, though beautifully sunny) Vineyard. The requisite Vineyard Vines totes, Nantucket reds shorts/pants, boating shoes, and novelty embroidered patterns (think little whales on a brightly colored cotton) were in heavy supply. When it's cold outside, there's not much to do on the Vineyard besides shop, eat, and drink. I did plenty of all of the above. I got great deals on Lily Pulitzer (70% off!!!) and other assorted goodies from Nantucket-favorite Murray's. It got to the point that I focused entirely on the money I was saving instead of the money I was spending.
For all of our consumer friends out there, I wanted to note that most stores are marking down their spring/summer merchandise at least 40%. My favorite salespeople at Marc Jacobs and Barneys have told me that the big markdowns are here. MJ went on Friday and Barneys handbags go today and shoes go tomorrow.
Designer sales are a very interesting subject, I think. I know I am guilty of some serious buyer's binging when I see the magical percentage points flying off luxury goods. My newest policy is "one in, one out," which is becoming much more challenging. Basically, if I buy something new, I have to dispose of a similar item. For example, if I buy a new handbag tonight, I have to ditch one of the bags in my closet right now. It's a dangerous game, only enabled even more by the wonders of Ebay. I have recently become such an Ebay seller that the Ebay police called me to confirm that the designer goods I was listing were all mine and all authentic. It was sort of embarrassing to admit to the Ebay police that the only thing I am guilty of is a serious shopping addiction and nothing more. More details to follow.
P.S. J, you owe L a biography!
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