Hi friends!
I'm eager to watch the episode after having read so much about it. But it sounds like, after leading us ever closer and closer to a precipice, Josh Schwartz decided in the last couple of weeks to take a few steps back. I guess that's TV.
I know that I'm the only one on this blog who will say this, but I am utterly and completely captivated by Battlestar Galactica. I think I have always been a semi-closeted sci-fi geek (just ask my sister; or, actually, please don't). But BSG is something more than your average sci fi mythologizing claptrap.
I can't remember who first told me, "oh, bee-tee-dubs, you'd really like BSG," but thank you to whomever that was. The show is about a genuinely existential struggle between a group of human refugees and their human-looking-robot-offspring, and kicks off with the nuclear genocide of the human race. 40,000 people or so are left. Sounds terribly geeky, and it kind of is, but who doesn't love a post-apocalyptic space opera?
But from the first season, the show was more complicated. Characters had depth, the "bad guys" believed that they were engaged in a divine mission, and then they started to have depth, just as we realized that the good guys might not be so good after all, what with their adultery, election-rigging, stealing, and whatnot.
Last season began with an insurgency very similar to the one we can read about in our morning NYTimes, and this season seems to be all about theology. And it's amazing.
In other news, check out this article in the Sunday Magazine of the Times about one-man bands, featuring my future husband Owen Pallett of Final Fantasy.
That's all for now. I should go do some work.
Hearts and stars,
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