Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Idol Shocker!

I had pretty much the exact same reactions as L's question entry regarding last night's performance show for the Idol finale.  I have always thought that David Cook is the much stronger singer, but I thought David Archuleta had all of the middle American moms locked up for votes.  I may have been misjudging the ladies in our heartland, however - based on tonight's winner, it looks like they were looking for man candy and not baby boy. 
I am really excited for David Cook's singing career.  I hope he will be like the male version of Kelly Clarkson - an American Idol champion power voice with lots of CD's.  Love it.
And another thing - what's up with the terrible songs from the songwriting competition?  Is there a prerequisite that it has to be the sappiest, hokiest song in the world?  Between last night's selections and tonight's "winner," I was sorely disappointed. 

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