Thursday, May 22, 2008

Meet K

I have the daunting task of writing concisely about K. 
The first thing to know about K is Boston.  She bleeds Boston.  It defines her soul.  As she is Boston, she has a few great loves:
1.  The Red Sox (the girl knows her stuff, test her!)
2.  The Patriots
3.  Bill Simmons
4.  Cobble streets
5.  The Jimmy Fund
6.  Awkward Boston accents (though she does not possess one herself)
K is pretty unexpected.  There's all sorts of trivia about her that you would not be able to predict from first glance.
1.  Despite her Asian looking exterior, she is actually a WASP.
2.  She was president of her sorority (we do not hold that against her, in fact J and I are kind of envious!).
3.  She is damn good at video games.
4.  She wrote her thesis in college on the poetry of Pable Neruda.
Another thing to note, K is kind of tireless.  She's always up doing something.  Aside from the fact that she works...a lot...for her big time insurance job, she does all this do-gooder stuff like mentors young girls and interviews college applicants.  And she has a trainer.  And picks up fresh flowers for her condo every week.  And she drives a Mini Cooper.  She's like my only legit adult friend. 
Despite all that, she has time for a whole lot of pop culture.  You want to know why?  I'll tell you the secret.  K has 3 Tivos!  OMFG - She's going to kill me for outing her
Final thought:  Milly, the kitten.  If you don't like Milly, K doesn't like you.  Milly lives in K's condo and basically preens all day and reflects on how pretty she is.  K eats it up.  When you call K on the phone, you have to be comfortable that during the conversation, K will interject commentary on exactly what Milly is doing:
L:  Hi!  What's up?
K:  OMG, did you watch the Hills?  It was totes disappointing.  (baby talk voice) Milly, why do you play with the ribbon?
L: Umm...
K:  Milly, you're so pretty. You can play with the ribbon (still in baby talk voice).
L:  Yeah, the Hills was disappointing.
K:  Okay, we'll I'm off to save impoverished children and purify the water supply of a far away developing country.  Bye!
And that, my friends, is a glimpse at K.
- L

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