Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Car Trauma

Two things happened today that made me very unhappy to have a driving commute:

1.) I paid a little over $58 to fill my car today.  Keep in mind I drive a Mini Cooper.  To be fair, the Min-Coo does take premium gas, and it was a whopping $4.61 in Connecticut.

2.) I had to call 911 for the first time in my life!  As I was merging from the Wilbur Cross Highway from 84 onto 91 this morning, I saw a car FLIP OVER OFF THE EXIT RAMP.  Like, for reals.  I was totally panic stricken...I had no idea what I was supposed to do.  Needless to say I had my first (and hopefully only!) conversation with a 911 dispatcher.

It's days like these that make me pine for my good old Chicago walking commute and i-Go car lifestyle.


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