Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Crying at the Movies

Over the past week or so, I've seen 3 movies: Slumdog Millionaire, The Tales of Despereaux, and Milk.  I have to confess that I cried (reasonably hard) at all 3 of them.  I am, and have always been, a crier.  It doesn't take much to get the water works going, but let me present my arguments for tears in all 3 movies, very briefly, and without giving away any plot for those readers who have not yet seen the movies...

- Slumdog Millionaire - There is a lovestory arc here that will tear out your heart and shred it to pieces.
- The Tales of Despereaux - "I'm not a mouse - I am a gentleman." Just a little guy, trying to make it in an oh-so-jaded world, along with his less-than-perfect companion the rat.  And the tears fell...
- Milk - Don't even get me started.  Many of those who I hold nearest and dearest are gay, and this one just hit WAY too close to home with Prop 8 and everything in recent memory.  Honestly, it broke my heart.  I left the theater feeling like someone had ripped out my heart and spirited it away somewhere awful.  Great way to start the holidays, huh?

Anyway - the tears were further compounded by the fact that I saw Slumdog and Milk solo.  That's really okay for me - going to the movies alone is really one of my guiltiest pleasures.  I think, however, I need to stop seeing such lofty movies by myself, and I need to stick to schtick like Bolt.  You'd think that I learned my lesson seeing The Duchess solo at the Coolidge, but I suppose I am a masochist.

Happy Christmas Eve!  My godfather makes pasta sauce with lobster and shrimp and pasta from scratch for the occasion, so I think you should all be pretty jealous.

xoxo -

The Slanket

Dear readers, it is the glorious resurrection of our old friend OMFG Musings. 

It is I, Ktown, here to discuss my #1 heart's desire this holiday season: The Slanket.

The Slanket (see http://www.theslanket.com) is a mythical fleece creation - a blanket - with SLEEVES!  I am in love with said product.  Shmi, on the other hand, does not believe I need a Slanket.  She says it is merely a blanket.  So what do you say - is The Slanket more than just a blanket?