Thursday, July 24, 2008

Spoiled cat prepares me for future spoiled child(ren)

My tiny designer kitten, one Milly the Puff, is my favorite little creature in the world.  I have tried desperately to get her to wear a pretty little collar, but she is having nothing to do with it.  Instead of spoiling her with kitten-wear, I instead spoil her with kitten toys.  There are jingly balls, furry mice with catnip, little fish with feathers, ribbon dancers, and a myriad of others (some even made with organic cotton and catnip!  Yuppie cat toys!).  Milly has an entire box full of toys.  And what do you think she is playing with right now?  A box from some Trish McEvoy makeup that she pulled out of the trash.  Yup.  This is my cat.
(And apparently OMFG Musings is my blog)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Return of Netflix (and a few thoughts on my beloved, but flawed, Boston)

After holding onto the same 3 DVD's since the March/April timeframe, I decided it was high time for me to jump back onto the Netflix bandwagon.  Last night I watched both Gone Baby Gone and August Rush (talk about random contrasting movies). 
Gone Baby Gone is an interesting movie for me.  It takes place in Dorchester, incidentally the largest neighborhood of Boston proper.  For those of you who are not familiar with Boston, you should know that Dorchester is not so far from my yuppie enclave in the South End.  There are parts of it that are becoming quite gentrified, and there is a giant shopping plaza with a Target and countless other big-box stores.  In the parking lot of that shopping center, you see BMW's and Audi's mixing with old, beat-up vehicles.  It is a crossroads of sorts, perhaps one of the few places that worlds of the yuppified, glorious Boston mix with the rough and tumble parts of the city. 
The thing that is so fascinating about Gone Baby Gone is that the Boston shown in that world is a far cry from the Boston where I live.  I exist in a world of gourmet grocery stores, high-end shopping, and $6 coffee.  If you drive just a few miles away, you will find yourself in the heart of Dorchester, in a world where entire generations of families live in three-decker homes and children pop the hydrants to play in the street.  I can just imagine how I and my neighbors would react if the little Bonpoint and Burberry clad children in our neighborhood decided that would be a good way to spend a summer's day.
I guess I am so interested in the contrast in neighborhoods in Boston both because they are so sharp and unbelievable (it's not unusual to find a child in Dorchester or Roxbury who has never seen the green expanse of the Boston Common) and because the city is so small.  In any urban area, there are different neighborhoods with different socio-economic makeups.  However, you'd be hard-pressed to find another city where the geographic distance between those worlds is so tiny, and yet the distance in reality couldn't be more vast. 
Outside of the bubble of the city's tourist center (think Back Bay, Beacon Hill, South End, and the Waterfront), you'll probably never find a visitor who really knows that the real Boston, the nitty-gritty, hard-scrabble working class, outsider-hating city that fought busing for years and is still, quietly, accused of being the most racist city in the US, expands far beyond the confines of the cobblestone streets and the bliss of the Public Gardens.
Just a thought. 

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The kitten is now a cat.

Yes, my friends.  The beautiful little Millicent (Milly, Puffle, Millypuff, Puffpuffpuff, etc.) turns 1 year old today.  It's a sad day in kittendom.  The next bag of cat food I purchase will be actual CAT food, and no longer kitten food.  Everyone shed a little tear for me today.
In other news, I didn't actually watch P-Run last night because I was busy carousing with my colleagues at my work summer offsite.  There was lots of drinking involved.  I'll watch tonight and comment tomorrow.
This blog is quickly devolving into the world of KK.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

P-Run starts tonight!

Get excited, everyone! P-Run premieres tonight on Bravo at 9 pm (that's 8 pm for those of you who, ahem, live in central time). In a recent interview on, Tim Gunn promised us a season full of drama. On Fafarazzi, L and I have already selected our teams. I have chosen Jerry, Emily, and Wesley. L has chosen Kelli, Leanne, and Wesley. Obvi Wesley is our darling right now - I mean, how could he not be? He had an internship stint at Marc Jacobs!

Speaking of Fafarazzi, I'd like to take the opportunity to give props to my celeb wonder team that won our first annual OMFG Celeb Fantasy Fafa League. So thanks to Lindsay Lohan, Amy Winehouse, Jessica Simpson, John Mayer, Nicole Richie, Miley Cyrus, David Beckham, Madonna, Reese Witherspoon, and Katherine Heigl (and their publicists) for being such media darlings.

Thoughts on P-Run to follow tomorrow...btw, I miss my partners in blogging.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Teen Queen Power Struggles & the blog's resurrection

Well, our sincerest apologies for the dormancy of OMFG Musings.  It's not our faults, really.  Things have just been very hectic in the worlds of J, K, and L.  L has been busy with b-school pre-work and wrapping up her fancy ad job.  J has left for the wilds of the west to fight the good fight with the Obama campaign.  And I, K, have been jet-setting around Europe and have just recently come home to the States.
So now back to business.  I got the August issue of Vanity Fair in the mail yesterday featuring Hollywood's New Wave on the cover.  There are four girls featured, looking youthful and summery and pretty: Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Emma Roberts, and Amanda Seyfried.  So here's my question: who decided that Blake Lively was the reigning Gossip Girl queen bee?  Is it because she's blond?  I am, and always have been, firmly in Camp Blair/Leighton Meester.  I have been a Leighton fan since she guest-starred on Entourage as Ari's pop star client.  The whole GG cast gets a spread in the article later in the magazine.  For this one, it's clear that Blake has won the GG star war.  The media loves seeing Blake/Serena and Penn/Dan swanning around and imitating GG in real life.  Frankly, I'm sick of it.  I want more Leighton in my life!!
I think you can safely assume there will be more blogging soon, especially with the new season of P-Run (Project Runway, for all of you OMFG abbreviation novices out there) coming next week.